Sunday, January 3, 2010

A State of Union

"Yoga is a state of being in which all apparent opposites, distinctions, and states are reconciled. Yoga means "union," not only union of the parts with each other, but also union with the whole. From this state of union we live without fragmentation or inner conflict. We are able to embrace our whole being from the surface to the depths, encompassing both our transient limitations and our perennial limitlessness. We express through our individuality the wholeness of which we are a fleeting expression. We honor and live from, by, and within our true nature. This is the key to a life of peace and contentment.

Hatha yoga affects the mind as much as the body. It improves concentration, increases alertness, precipitates perceptual and rational clarity, cultivates calmness, develops equanimity, instills confidence, and nourishes contentment. These benefits all depend on the presence of mind during practice.

But hatha yoga does deeper than the mind, penetrating to the core of our being. It is a soul-food of unparalleled value. If approached openly, without ambition and pride, specific objectives, predetermined ideals, or wishful thinking, it will foster profound self-knowledge. It will also inspire deep self-acceptance, and provide continuous self-validation and self-empowerment. In short: self-love -- a love that spills out into a genuine compassion for and interest in all beings. This compassion expresses itself in a natural and spontaneous generosity, and an easy, sympathetic humor.

More fertile soil for the flowering of happiness could hardly be found." -- Godfrey Devereux.

photo of Erich Schiffmann by Barbra Brady

1 comment:

Flo said...

I really really loved this.
And the picture of Erich is wonderful!