Tuesday, August 11, 2009


"But if one says: I cannot come because it is my hour to be alone, one is considered rude, egosticial or strange. What a commentary on our civilization, when being alone is considered suspect; when one has to apologize for it, make excuses, hide the fact that one practices it -- like a secret vice". - Anne Morrow Lindberg - quoted in "Listening Below the Noise - A Meditation on the Practice of Silence" by Anne D. LeClaire

I loved coming across this quote. Being alone is my secret vice, although I'd never quite thought of it that way until now. I think that makes it feel even more delicious!

I think I won't put a photo with this piece. When I looked up images for "alone" most of the pictures were of people alone and sad or alone and frightened or with other people holding their hands saying "you are not alone".

Even now I find myself tempted to make excuses...to explain myself. But I think I won't.


Anonymous said...

I,too, love being alone. There has been an abundance of it since losing my job in March. I never really appreciated it until my husband's aunt and uncle started coming to visit us a few years ago...when they do - you CANNOT be alone except for when you sleep! The minute one of them hears you up - there they are - in your face! It put a entirely new perspective on why I enjoy being alone with the quiet...

dragonfly said...

I am a bit behind on my blog reading, so I just saw this post. Thanks for writing about this quote! I also share this secret vice of yours. :)

Kit, will you be at the Ojai Yoga Crib this year? It would be great to meet you!

-- Rachel

Kit said...

Hi Rachel! Yes, I'll be at the Crib. Let's for sure make sure we run into each other somewhere.

dragonfly said...

Sounds great! I'll leave a message for you at Crib HQ if we don't figure out a better plan first. :)