Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just start to do it...

I'm procrastinating...again. My big plan for the day is to work on my Ayurvedic course homework. And I really enjoy it...once I've started it. But I've already decided that first I need to do my yoga practice (gold star for that one), make the bed, start some laundry, vacuum and wash the kitchen floor (What? this is better than studying?!!)

I went to day one of my friend Daron's meditation workshop on Sunday afternoon. We were asked to write down some mildly unpleasant activities, mildly pleasant, and activities we felt a mixture of both pleasant and unpleasant sensations when doing (or contemplating doing).

It's funny the things that come up. I like washing my hair, but I don't like drying it. I like folding laundry, but resist putting it away. (Just ask my husband who's always wondering where all his clean clothes are...well they are sitting in a nice neat pile on the floor in the family room...that's where).

I enjoy making and drinking tea. I was making a pot of darjeeling this morning. I put two teaspoons of tea in the pot and then I put an extra pinch in...somewhere in my distant past I remember the phrase "and one for the pot". You put in a teaspoon for each cup and a little extra. All alone in the kitchen I say outloud "and one for the pot". So satisfying.

And then there's my homework. When I get to it...and I will...I will become thoroughly engrossed. But it's that starting moment. But here's what I know. In that moment...that precise moment that I actually open the file on the computer that holds my work and pick up my workbook, there will be, I can feel it even now, a tingle of pleasure in the belly, that comes with having begun.

Okay...no more blogging young lady until you've finished your homework!


dragonfly said...

This reminds me so much of myself! Thanks for the reminder about the pleasure of beginning. :)

I'm curious about the meditation workshop - what was the follow-up to writing down the various types of activities?

Kit said...

We did a couple of practices that involved noticing the breath. On a handout we agreed to commit to a certain amount of time in formal sitting practice. In addition we were to practice noticing our breath in life. We wrote down some activities that we do on a regular basis that we felt were mildly pleasant, mildly unpleasant and a mix. The idea is to choose one of those activities and to notice the breath from start to finish. Check out Daron's website. He's a fantastic teacher.

dragonfly said...

Thanks, Kit. This is a useful practice. I find it challenging bringing practices from the yoga mat/ meditation cushion into life - but really want to figure this out. Thanks for the website also. :)